We are a volunteer-run community and we need your help!

We rely entirely on volunteers, and we're always on the lookout for more hands! Here's how you can pitch in:

  1. Floor Sweepers: Join us at the dance and help keep the ballroom tidy. In exchange, enjoy free entry for the night. It's a quick task, usually done within 20 minutes.

  2. Door/Money Takers: Work a shift at the front door and get free admission for the evening. After a training session, you'll gain access to our volunteer sign-up sheet. Plus, certain shifts come with coupons for complimentary dances.

  3. Social Media Outreach: We're seeking volunteers to spread the word on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and MeetUp.

  4. Board Positions: Become part of the decision-making team that shapes our dance events. Our board meets monthly via Zoom and communicates via email and Google Workspace. We adhere to Robert’s Rules and have positions like President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Terms last one year, renewable for up to four consecutive terms. Board members may serve in roles such as volunteer coordinator, webmaster, communications director, or booking manager for bands and callers.

If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to us!