COVID Policy

Effective June 1, 2023, all Friday Night Dances will be MASKS OPTIONAL. We will continue to register dancers, and continue to recommend, but not require, up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination. We will also monitor the website Montgomery County Maryland COVID Hospitalizations as a measure of community hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 infection. If an outbreak of COVID-19 infection occurs following this change or hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 infection rise significantly, the FND Board will consider requiring masks and/or COVID-19 vaccinations again. Our goal is to continue to dance with each other in safety and with joy.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of any illness, even if you have been told that you are not contagious or do not have COVID-19, please do not attend the dance. Please wait until your symptoms have resolved (or if you have COVID-19, you have tested negative after waiting five days once diagnosed) to dust off your dancing shoes! If you have been exposed to someone who is symptomatic or who tested positive for COVID, or you are waiting for COVID test result yourself, please stay home.

If you become ill after attending a dance, please test yourself for COVID. Always believe a positive test result, whether the test was a rapid test or a PCR. Since many rapid tests are falsely negative, especially early in the course of the illness, you should isolate as if you have COVID. If you use a rapid test, and the results are negative, wait 48 hours and test yourself again before considering the tests to be truly negative. If you have a negative rapid test and you strongly suspect that you have COVID, consider getting a PCR test. If you have any positive test results, please email us immediately at

Thank you for helping us to keep dancing safe for everyone!